Rank the following items in order of accuracy when they are used for their intended purpose:

Volumetric pipet, beaker, Erlenmeyer flask, MOHR pipet, graduated cylinder, volumetric flask, buret.

Explain your asnwer below
Most accurate 1.
Least accurate 7.


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To rank the items in order of accuracy, it is important to understand the intended purposes of each item.

1. Volumetric pipet: This is typically the most accurate item on the list. Volumetric pipets are designed to accurately measure and transfer a specific volume of liquid. They are calibrated to be very precise.

2. Volumetric flask: Volumetric flasks are also highly accurate. They are designed to measure and hold a specific volume of liquid. Like volumetric pipets, they are calibrated for accuracy.

3. Buret: Burets are commonly used in titrations and are known for their accuracy. They are designed to measure and dispense precise volumes of liquid.

4. MOHR pipet: MOHR pipets, also known as Mohr burets, are similar to burets but are less accurate. They are commonly used for approximate measurements and not for situations that require high precision.

5. Erlenmeyer flask: Erlenmeyer flasks are versatile and commonly used in laboratories. However, they are not as accurate as the previous items on the list. They are suitable for general mixing and holding of liquids but should not be used for precise measurements.

6. Graduated cylinder: Graduated cylinders are useful for measuring approximate volumes of liquid. However, due to their design, the accuracy of measurements can vary depending on the size of the cylinder and the location of the meniscus. Therefore, they are less accurate than the previous items.

7. Beaker: Beakers are the least accurate item on this list. They have markings on the side for general volume estimation but are not designed for precise measurements. They are typically used for mixing, holding, and transferring liquids but should not be relied upon for accurate volume measurements.

So, the ranked order of accuracy, from most accurate to least accurate, is:
1. Volumetric pipet
2. Volumetric flask
3. Buret
4. MOHR pipet
5. Erlenmeyer flask
6. Graduated cylinder
7. Beaker