Kathleen made the diagram below to show how scientific knowledge changes over time. Which word or phrase best describes what scientists would do at the point indicated by the blank? Original data + new data =blank= modified data. Which would be the answer in the blank to fill the equation? A. Debate the change B. Change the data C. Propose a law D, form an opinion please help answer if it would be A, B, C or D

A. Debate the change

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the equation provided: "Original data + new data = blank = modified data."

In this equation, we can see that scientists are combining the original data with new data to create modified data. This process involves incorporating new information into the existing body of scientific knowledge, which means that scientists need to update their understanding based on the new evidence.

With this in mind, we can eliminate options C and D as they do not reflect the process of updating or modifying scientific knowledge based on new data.

Option A, "Debate the change," may seem plausible since scientific findings often undergo rigorous scrutiny and discussion. However, in the context of the equation and the given diagram, it does not accurately represent what is happening. The equation suggests a more direct and active involvement in modifying the data.

Therefore, the most appropriate answer is option B, "Change the data." This choice aligns with the equation and the process it describes, as scientists modify or update the data they possess by incorporating new information to refine their understanding of scientific phenomena.