i have to write a compare and contrast essay but i don't know what mt topic should be and ideas

There are lots of ideas for topics as well as how to write a compare and contrast essay in these sites.


It depends on how much depth you want.

Deep: compare the foreign policy of Hitler in 1938/39/40 to Putin in Georgia and Ukraine.

Shallow: Compare Elizabeth Barrett's poem "How do I love thee?" with Shakespear"s sonnet 116.

A puddle: Compare Lady Gage to Brittany Spears

good luck. You know, everyday in thinking you do compare and contrast. Have you ever shopped at different stores for a skirt and blouse?

If you didn't catch it, that is my favorite, Lady Gaga. My daughters despise her.

thank you

You're welcome.

Writing a compare and contrast essay can be an interesting and engaging task. The first step is to choose a topic that will allow for a meaningful comparison between two or more subjects. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you generate ideas for your compare and contrast essay:

1. Brainstorm different subjects: Think about different areas of interest, such as literature, history, science, technology, sports, or even everyday objects. Write down as many subjects as you can think of.

2. Identify similarities and differences: For each subject, make a list of their similarities and differences. This will help you assess whether there are enough points to compare and contrast effectively.

3. Choose a theme or category: Once you have a list of subjects and their respective similarities and differences, try to find a common theme or category among them. For example, you might compare and contrast two different types of music genres or two different periods in history.

4. Prioritize your interests: Evaluate which subjects or themes pique your interest the most. Writing about something you're genuinely curious about will make the process more enjoyable and engaging.

5. Research potential topics: Conduct some preliminary research on your selected subjects to ensure there is enough information available to support your comparisons and contrasts. This will also enable you to understand key aspects of each subject before diving into the writing process.

6. Refine your topic: Based on your research and interest, narrow down your topic to formulate a clear and concise thesis statement. The thesis will outline the main argument or point of comparison between the subjects.

7. Seek input: Share your chosen topic with friends, classmates, or teachers to gain their perspectives and suggestions. They may provide valuable insights or propose additional ideas.

Remember, the key to a successful compare and contrast essay is to select subjects that possess significant differences and similarities, allowing you to explore interesting points of comparison. Take your time to explore various topics, and once you have chosen one, thoroughly research it to support your arguments with credible evidence.