
Solve for x

suppose you had

4x + 3(7x) = 55

I am sure you could solve that.
now follow the same steps for your equation.


use your calculator to see if it works for your given equation.

By the "just - look - at - it " theorem, I can see that your solution cannot possible work

your answer of 7.93 is appr 8
.69..(8) is about 5.6
1.-3...(8)(.3...) is about 1/3 of 8 or about 2.7
5.6 +2.7 ≠ 63.5...

Give it another serious try


To solve the equation for x, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation by multiplying the terms:
x(0.6917) + (1.0318x)(0.3083) = 63.546

Step 2: Distribute the terms:
0.6917x + 0.3180x^2 = 63.546

Step 3: Rewrite the equation in quadratic form:
0.3180x^2 + 0.6917x - 63.546 = 0

Step 4: Solve the equation using the quadratic formula:
The quadratic formula is given by:
x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

For our equation, a = 0.3180, b = 0.6917, and c = -63.546. Plugging these values into the quadratic formula, we get:

x = (-0.6917 ± √(0.6917^2 - 4(0.3180)(-63.546))) / (2(0.3180))

Step 5: Simplify the equation inside the square root:
x = (-0.6917 ± √(0.4783 + 80.6888)) / 0.636

Step 6: Further simplify:
x = (-0.6917 ± √(81.1671)) / 0.636

Step 7: Calculate the square root:
x = (-0.6917 ± 9.011) / 0.636

Step 8: Solve for x:
There are two possible solutions:
x1 = (-0.6917 + 9.011) / 0.636 ≈ 12.787
x2 = (-0.6917 - 9.011) / 0.636 ≈ -15.71

So, the solutions for x are approximately 12.787 and -15.71.