In the sentence

Michelangelo was an artistic genius.

Is genius the complement and is it a noun?


In the sentence "Michelangelo was an artistic genius," the word "genius" is indeed the complement of the subject "Michelangelo." However, "genius" is not a noun in this case, but rather, it functions as a predicate nominative.

To identify the complement in a sentence, you need to look for the word or phrase that completes the meaning of the subject. In this case, "genius" provides additional information about Michelangelo, describing his quality or attribute as an artist.

To determine whether "genius" is a noun or not, you can examine its grammatical function. In this sentence, it is a predicate nominative, which means it renames or describes the subject. Therefore, "genius" is a noun in this context.

If you are unsure about the nature of a word or its grammatical function, you can consult a dictionary, grammar guidebook, or online resources to gain more clarity.