
the b -12a^b the b is to the third power
2a^b/24ab + 6ab^/24ab -12a^b to the third/24ab
12a+4ab +2ab^
2ab^+4ab +12a

I assume that x^ means x^2.

Usually the caret requires a numeric exponent. After all, it could be cubed (x^3) or something else.

Given that, we have

(-2a^2 + 6ab^2 - 12a^2b^3) / -24ab

The rest is very difficult to parse. Why not try reposting using clear notation as I did above? use parentheses where need to group terms.

steve can you help me with the previous one. Ms.Sue tried to answer it but it still didn't help me THANKYOU!


24 - a - b answer 13

To simplify the expression (-2a^+6ab^-12a^b)/(-24ab), we can start by simplifying each term in the numerator and denominator separately:

Term 1: -2a^
Term 2: 6ab^
Term 3: -12a^b
Denominator: -24ab

Now let's simplify each term:

Term 1: -2a^ can be rewritten as -2 * a^1 (since a^ is the same as a^1)
= -2a

Term 2: 6ab^ remains the same. No further simplification can be done.

Term 3: -12a^b remains the same. No further simplification can be done.

Denominator: -24ab remains the same. No further simplification can be done.

Now let's simplify the expression by substituting the simplified terms back into the original expression:

(-2a + 6ab^ - 12a^b) / (-24ab)

= -2a + 6ab^ - 12a^b / -24ab

= 2a - 6ab^ + 12a^b / 24ab

Final simplified expression: 2a - 6ab^ + 12a^b / 24ab