A storm is approaching from the SW at 30 mph and is 7.5 miles away. An officer is 5 miles from the storm and needs to arrive 5 minutes ahead of the storm. How fast does he need to drive to reach the storm 5 minutes ahead?

see other question.

To find out how fast the officer needs to drive to reach the storm 5 minutes ahead, we can use the following formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Given that the storm is approaching at 30 mph and is 7.5 miles away, we know that the officer needs to travel a distance of 7.5 miles to reach the storm.

Next, we need to find the time it takes for the officer to reach the storm. The officer needs to arrive 5 minutes ahead of the storm. Since time is given in minutes, we need to convert it to hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 5 minutes is equal to 5/60 = 1/12 hour.

Now we can substitute the values into the formula to find the speed the officer needs to drive:

Speed = 7.5 miles / (1/12 hour)

To simplify the calculation, we can multiply the denominator by the reciprocal of the fraction:

Speed = 7.5 miles * (12/1 hour)

Now we can calculate the speed:

Speed = 7.5 * 12 = 90 miles/hour

Therefore, the officer needs to drive at a speed of 90 miles/hour to reach the storm 5 minutes ahead.