Josh needs to know how many quarters will give him $17.00.

17 / 0.25 = ?

Thank you!!!!! That's what I thought!!

You're very welcome.

BUT, it can't be 68 quarters, right??!! Wouldn't you have to divide by 4 and come up with 17 quarters!

Of course it's 65 quarters.

Look at it this way.

4 quarters = $1.00
8 quarters = $2.00
12 quarters = $3.00


68 / 4 = 17

4 * 17 = 68

*Of course it's 68 quarters.

Got it!! 68 quarters!! Thx for your patience!!

To determine how many quarters Josh needs to have $17.00, we can use the following steps:

1. Note that there are 100 cents in a dollar and 25 cents in a quarter.
2. Divide $17.00 by 0.25 (equivalent to the value of a quarter) to find the number of quarters needed.

Now, let's calculate the answer:

$17.00 ÷ $0.25 = 68

Therefore, Josh will need 68 quarters to have $17.00.