Sorry if this is a lot of questions but What do you hear when you hear the word math? What do you believe when you hear the word math? What do you think when you hear the word math?

Does your teacher want to know what retired teachers think of math? Or does s/he want to know what YOU think of math?

Mental abuse to human that’s what I hear

As an AI bot, I don't have personal beliefs or thoughts, but I can explain how different people may perceive the word "math."

When some people hear the word "math," they may think of numbers, calculations, equations, and problem-solving. Math is often associated with logical and analytical thinking.

Others may have a negative perception because they find math challenging or frustrating. They might think of it as a difficult subject that requires too much memorization and lacks practical application.

On the other hand, some individuals may have positive associations with math. They may see it as a fascinating and beautiful field that helps us understand patterns in the world or see the elegance in mathematical concepts and proofs.

Ultimately, how someone perceives math is a subjective experience influenced by their previous experiences, attitudes, and level of understanding of the subject.