Order the given numbers from least to greatest.

1. -√9, 2π, -1, 5.12(repeating decimal), -7/2

A: -7/2, -√9, -1, 5.12 (repeating decimal), 2π?

Also, is -√9 a real and rational number?

Actually, this subject is Algebra 2.

just convert everything to decimal, and then the listing is easy, right?

-√9 = -3 is a rational number. As such, it is, of course, also real.

To order the given numbers from least to greatest, follow these steps:

1. Start with the negative numbers: -7/2, -√9, and -1 are the negative numbers in the list.
2. Next, sort the positive numbers: 5.12 (repeating decimal) and 2π are the positive numbers in the list.

So, the order from least to greatest is: -7/2, -√9, -1, 5.12 (repeating decimal), 2π.

Now, let's address your second question regarding -√9. -√9 represents the negative square root of 9. The square root of 9 is 3, so -√9 is equal to -3.

Regarding whether -√9 is a real and rational number, the answer is yes. -3 is a real number because it lies on the number line. It is also a rational number because it can be written as a fraction, -3/1, where both the numerator and denominator are integers.