significant figure ¹.25×0.05meters what is the correct answer

To determine the correct answer with the proper number of significant figures, we need to look at the given values:

¹.25 × 0.05 meters

When multiplying or dividing numbers, the general rule for significant figures is to round the final answer to the same number of significant figures as the least precise value in the calculation. In this case, 0.05 has two significant figures, so our final answer should also have two significant figures.

Calculating the given expression, we get:

¹.25 × 0.05 = 0.0625 meters

Since we need to round our answer to two significant figures, we have:

0.0625 meters = 0.063 meters (rounded to two significant figures)

Therefore, the correct answer, rounded to two significant figures, is 0.063 meters.