People joined together in business.

A. Proprietorship
B. Ownership
C. Partnership
D. Investment

I got C

That's correct.

Great job! You selected option C, Partnership.

To understand why Partnership is the correct answer, let's break down the options and their definitions:

A. Proprietorship: A business owned and operated by one individual. The owner has sole control and responsibility for the business's operations and any profits or losses.

B. Ownership: This term is general and can apply to various business structures. It refers to having possession, control, or title of something. However, in the context of the question, it does not specifically represent a type of business structure.

C. Partnership: A business structure where two or more individuals come together as co-owners to carry out a business venture. Each partner contributes resources, shares profits and losses, and participates in decision-making.

D. Investment: Investing refers to providing capital or resources with the intention of making a profit. While investment can be a component of business partnerships, it doesn't necessarily represent the entire structure.

Based on these definitions, we can conclude that the correct answer is C. Partnership, as it represents a situation where people join together in business to create a shared venture.