The base of a hill is -30 feet below sea level .,The top of the hill is 200 feet higher .What is the elevation of the top of the hill .

Plz show me how to get the answer its confusing

200 above -30 is 170 above zero. Draw it on a number line.

200 - 30 = ______ feet

To find the elevation of the top of the hill, we need to calculate the sum of the base of the hill and the increase in height.


Base of the hill = -30 feet below sea level
Increase in height = 200 feet

To get the elevation of the top of the hill, we can add the base of the hill and the increase in height. Adding a negative number is the same as subtracting, so we can consider the base of the hill as -30 feet:

Elevation of the top of the hill = Base of the hill + Increase in height
= -30 feet + 200 feet
= 170 feet

Therefore, the elevation of the top of the hill is 170 feet.