I am writing about how different groups view the role of the government. I saw this online and wanted to use it to guide me through my essay, but wanted to check its accuracy because I thought Democrats weren't for higher taxes I thought Republicans were.

Those in favor of a bigger role for government include most Democrats, especially Franklin Roosevelt, who initiated programs that helped poor and middle class citizens.
Democrats typically want higher taxes, so that the government can fund more social programs and basically spend more on citizens. Republicans don't trust the elected officials to do the right thing with the higher taxes that they acquire. Republicans want lower taxes, and less government spending. Republican’s believe that those who earn the money should be the ones who decide how to spend it.

essay? "Writing about" is hardly a thesis. Do you have a point you wish to make, or to compare different groups? The choice of "Democrats" and "Republicans" are hardly cohesive groups in themselves. I think I would look for more cohesive groups of like social, economic, racial, or cultural identity. Often these groups in themselves do not form a political view of government until they group themselves into political parties. So what one has in a polictical party is a collection of diverse groups. Your paragraph above generalizes so much as it tends to be meaningless. No intelligent thought can take place in generalities.

Have you done any research? http://www.surrey.ac.uk/politics/research/researchareasofstaff/isppsummeracademy/instructors%20/Huddy_GroupIdentity_Handbook_2013%20%282%29.pdf is a good start.

Finally, you have to break this mentality of "writing about". Anyone can write about, what you should be aiming to do is write to make a point, with clarity, and sound analysis. That takes research for you to know what you want to say. When you know what you want to say, "writing about" is forgotten, and you are aiming to make a case for something.

Good luck.

Sorry I didn't see this earlier.

That passage is accurate. Democrats usually want higher taxes for businesses and the rich. Those taxes, say Democrats, should help the people.

Thank you guys.

You're welcome, Mel.

The statement you found online provides a general overview of how different political groups, specifically Democrats and Republicans, view the role of government. However, it's important to note that political ideologies can be diverse and individuals within a political party may hold varying perspectives. Let's break down the statement and address the accuracy of its claims:

1. Those in favor of a bigger role for government include most Democrats, especially Franklin Roosevelt, who initiated programs that helped poor and middle-class citizens.

Accurate: Historically, Democrats have generally advocated for a larger role for the government, supporting policies that address social issues and economic inequalities. Franklin Roosevelt, as a Democratic President, introduced key programs such as the New Deal during the Great Depression to assist those in need.

2. Democrats typically want higher taxes, so that the government can fund more social programs and basically spend more on citizens.

Partially accurate: While it is true that Democrats often support higher taxes to finance social programs, it's important to note that the party's position may vary depending on the specific issue or the individual Democrat. Some Democrats may advocate for higher taxes on wealthier individuals or corporations to redistribute wealth and fund social programs, while others may focus on a more balanced approach to taxation.

3. Republicans don't trust the elected officials to do the right thing with the higher taxes that they acquire. Republicans want lower taxes and less government spending. Republicans believe that those who earn the money should be the ones who decide how to spend it.

Partially accurate: Republicans generally tend to support lower tax rates and a smaller role for government in the economy. They prioritize individual freedom and limited government intervention. However, it's important to acknowledge that not all Republicans hold the exact same views on taxes and government spending. Some Republicans may advocate for specific government programs or propose certain tax reforms.

To ensure accuracy in your essay, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider multiple perspectives within each political party. Political ideologies evolve over time, and individual beliefs within a party can vary. Therefore, it is essential to capture the complexities of each political group's views rather than relying solely on generalizations.