im taking the Sat's tomorow..what are some great tips??

See lessons 18, 19, and 20.
Lots of information here.

Preparing for SATs can be overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can feel more confident on test day. Here are some great tips to help you:

1. Familiarize yourself with the test format: Understand the structure and timing of each section. The SAT consists of Reading, Writing and Language, Math (Calculator and No Calculator), and an optional Essay section. Knowing the test layout will help you plan your time effectively.

2. Review key content areas: Brush up on fundamental math concepts, grammar rules, and reading comprehension techniques. Identify your weak areas and allocate extra study time to strengthen them.

3. Practice with official SAT materials: Utilize College Board's official SAT practice tests to become familiar with the test's style, content, and pacing. Additionally, try timing yourself to simulate test-day conditions.

4. Learn test-taking strategies: Time management is crucial. Pace yourself and avoid spending too much time on challenging questions, as each question carries equal weight. Additionally, eliminate obviously incorrect answer choices to increase your chances of getting the correct response.

5. Strengthen your vocabulary: Enhance your word knowledge by reading extensively and using vocabulary-building resources. This will help you comprehend the Reading section more effectively as well as improve your writing.

6. Take care of yourself: Get a good night's sleep before the test, eat a nutritious breakfast, and arrive at the test center early to reduce stress.

Remember, these tips serve as a general guide. Personalizing your preparation based on your strengths and weaknesses will lead to better results. Good luck on your SAT!