Which character is described in these lines? (10 points)

Lord of the Scyldings, this single petition?
Not to refuse me, defender of warriors,
Friend-lord of folks, so far have I sought thee,
That I may unaided, my earlmen assisting me,
This brave-mooded war-band, purify Heorot.


I have no idea which one this question could be, and this is the last question for one of my assignments due soon. Please help! Thank you in advance!

Well, from research, Beowulf is talking to King Hrothgar here.

So, really, it automatically cuts out D as the answer.

I don't think it is describing Beowulf because he is the one speaking here. So that cuts out A.

However, considering that Beowulf is talking to Hrothgar, I would think the answer to this question is C.

I hope this helps, even though I have not read a lot of this story yet. :)

To identify which character is described in the given lines, we need to analyze the details provided.

The lines mention a few key attributes of the character:

1. Lord of the Scyldings: This refers to the ruler or leader of the Scyldings, an ancient Danish tribe.

2. Defender of warriors: The character is known for protecting and defending warriors.

3. Friend-lord of folks: This character is regarded as a friendly lord to the people.

4. Refusing a petition: The character is being asked not to refuse a request.

5. Assisting the speaker and their brave-mooded war-band: The character is being asked for assistance in purifying Heorot, which likely refers to a hall or building.

Based on these details, the character described in the given lines is Hrothgar. He is the leader of the Scyldings, a kind and generous ruler who defends warriors, and he has a hall named Heorot.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Hrothgar.

The character described in the lines is Hrothgar.