Find nutritional value of apple juice in 100 ml. Express it in alegbraic expressiond

How do you define "nutritional value?"

To find the nutritional value of apple juice in 100 ml and express it using algebraic expressions, we need to know which nutrients we are interested in. Let's consider three common nutrients found in apple juice: calories, carbohydrates, and vitamin C.

1. Calories: The number of calories in apple juice can vary depending on the brand and whether it is sweetened or unsweetened. Let's denote the number of calories per 100 ml as 'C'.

2. Carbohydrates: Apple juice primarily contains carbohydrates in the form of sugars. Let's denote the number of carbohydrates (in grams) per 100 ml as 'CHO'.

3. Vitamin C: Apple juice is known to contain vitamin C, which is typically measured in milligrams (mg). Let's denote the amount of vitamin C per 100 ml as 'VitC'.

Now, using these variables, we can express the nutritional value of apple juice in algebraic expressions:

1. Calories: C calories per 100 ml.

2. Carbohydrates: CHO grams of carbohydrates per 100 ml.

3. Vitamin C: VitC milligrams of vitamin C per 100 ml.

Please note that the actual values for calories, carbohydrates, and vitamin C will vary depending on the specific apple juice brand and any added ingredients.