Informal probation may be the disposition of choice when a girl attends school regularly, obeys her parents' directions and restraints, and is before the court on a marginally delinquent offense except. Even so, she is not suitable for informal probation because:

A. running away.

B. underage smoking.

C. school truancy.

D. ungovernability.

is it D

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what informal probation is and the criteria to be considered suitable for it. Informal probation is a type of probation where the individual is supervised by a probation officer but is not required to report to court regularly.

In the given scenario, the girl attends school regularly, obeys her parents' directions and restraints, and is before the court for a marginally delinquent offense. We need to identify the option that makes her unsuitable for informal probation.

Let's analyze each option:

A. Running away: This option indicates that the girl runs away from home or a facility. Since the scenario does not mention anything about running away, we cannot conclude that she is unsuitable for informal probation based on this option.

B. Underage smoking: This option means that the girl engages in smoking while being under the legal age. While underage smoking is considered a delinquent offense, it does not necessarily make her unsuitable for informal probation, as it depends on the specific circumstances and requirements of the probation program.

C. School truancy: This option suggests that the girl frequently skips school without a valid reason. Since the scenario states that she attends school regularly, we can conclude that she is suitable for informal probation in this aspect.

D. Ungovernability: This option refers to the girl being difficult to control or manage, displaying unruly behavior. If the girl demonstrates ungovernable behavior and is uncontrollable, she would be considered unsuitable for informal probation.

Considering the given information, the most suitable answer is D. ungovernability.