A & B Share a $21.00 pizza. B eats 2/3 the amount that A eats. How much should each person pay? There is some pizza left.

I am thinking a+2/3b=$21.00
1 2/3 b =$21.00
b=$21.00divided by 1 2/3
b= 8.43
a= $12.57

Isn't it influenced by who gets the remaining pizza?

To find out how much each person should pay, let's break down the problem.

Let's say A ate "x" amount of pizza. Since B ate 2/3 of what A ate, B must have eaten (2/3)x amount of pizza.

According to the information given, the total pizza cost is $21.00. So we can set up the equation:

x + (2/3)x = $21.00

Combining the terms, we have:

(5/3)x = $21.00

To isolate "x," we need to multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 5/3, which is 3/5:

(5/3)x * (3/5) = $21.00 * (3/5)

The left side simplifies to:

x = $12.60

We found that A ate $12.60 worth of pizza. Since B ate 2/3 of that amount, B ate (2/3) * $12.60 = $8.40 worth of pizza.

So, A should pay $12.60, and B should pay $8.40 for the pizza they shared.