Debut on Traditional Classroom vs. Internet based Learning. Take a side of Tradtional Classroom

Are you supposed to prepare for a debate? Write an essay? Or what?

Remember, no one here will do your work for you.

No mam i just want sonegood thesis and moods and rough notes @Writeacher

What is a "sonegood thesis?"

What do you mean by "moods?"

it means like some good... It was my typing mistake. I am sorry about that @Ms. Sue

Traditional classroom learning has been the dominant mode of education for centuries. It is characterized by face-to-face interaction between students and teachers in a physical classroom setting. While there are arguments for both traditional classroom learning and internet-based learning, let's focus on the advantages of the traditional classroom approach.

One of the key benefits of traditional classroom learning is the direct interaction and personal connection between students and teachers. Teachers can observe students' body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues to gauge their understanding and engagement. This enables teachers to adjust their teaching methods and provide immediate feedback, fostering a more personalized and effective learning experience.

Furthermore, traditional classroom learning promotes social interaction among students. It offers opportunities for group work, discussions, debates, and presentations, which help develop important interpersonal skills. Collaborative learning activities encourage students to share ideas, challenge each other's perspectives, and build relationships, enhancing their communication and teamwork abilities.

Additionally, traditional classrooms provide a structured and disciplined environment. Students are required to adhere to a schedule and attend classes regularly, establishing a routine that fosters accountability and responsibility. The physical separation between the learning environment and distractions at home can contribute to greater focus and concentration on academic tasks.

Moreover, traditional classroom learning allows for immediate access to resources and materials. Teachers can provide textbooks, handouts, and other supplementary materials directly to students during the class. This eliminates the need for students to search for relevant information online, potentially saving time and reducing distractions.

Finally, traditional classroom learning allows for hands-on activities and practical learning experiences that may be more challenging to replicate in an online setting. Laboratories, workshops, field trips, and other real-world applications of knowledge are readily available within a traditional classroom, promoting experiential learning and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, the traditional classroom learning approach offers direct interaction between students and teachers, promotes social skills, provides a structured environment, offers immediate access to resources, and allows for hands-on experiences. While internet-based learning provides its own advantages, traditional classroom learning continues to be a valuable and effective method of education.