

remember (a^2 - b^2 ) = (a-b)(a+b)

i don't remeber

To simplify the given expression (3y-5)(3y+5), we will use the distributive property of multiplication over addition/subtraction. According to this property, we must multiply each term of the first parentheses by each term of the second parentheses. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Multiply the first term of the first parentheses by each term of the second parentheses:
3y * 3y = 9y^2
3y * 5 = 15y

Step 2: Multiply the second term of the first parentheses by each term of the second parentheses:
-5 * 3y = -15y
-5 * 5 = -25

Now, we have four terms obtained through multiplication (9y^2, 15y, -15y, -25). Combining the like terms, we can simplify the expression further:

9y^2 + 15y - 15y - 25

Notice that the middle terms (+15y and -15y) cancel each other out when added together because they are additive inverses. This results in:

9y^2 - 25

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression (3y-5)(3y+5) is 9y^2 - 25.