ok i don't know this so here it is it says use the number 913,256 and write the period that has the 913. what did they just say?

Are they saying that you have divided by 1000?

913,256/1000 = 913.256

913 here belongs to the thousands period or group


Based on the information provided, it seems like you have a number, "913,256," and you need to identify the period that contains the number "913."

To understand this question, we have to interpret what is meant by "period." In mathematics, a period refers to a specific place or group of digits within a number. These periods are often separated by commas in large numbers, like the one given in your question.

In the number 913,256, the first period is the group of three digits on the left side of the comma, which is "913." Therefore, the period that contains the number 913 in this case is the first period.

So, in summary, you have a number, and by identifying the periods within it, you need to determine which period contains the number 913. In this specific example, it is the first period.