Baby chickens require a constant source of food. As chickens grow, more energy is needed for daily activities. Number of days 0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and food eaten (grams) 0.0, 1.5,3.5,6.5,9.0,12.5,16.5,21.0 What type of graph will you use?

it will be a curved line, I would use a line graph, however, a histogram would work also.

To determine the appropriate type of graph to use in this scenario, we need to consider the relationship between the number of days and the amount of food eaten. In this case, we have two numerical variables: the number of days (independent variable) and the quantity of food eaten (dependent variable).

The given information suggests that as the number of days increases, the amount of food eaten also increases. This suggests a positive relationship between the two variables.

Based on this, a line graph would be the most suitable type of graph to represent this data. A line graph is ideal for showing trends and changes over time, as it connects data points with straight lines, making it easy to visualize the increasing values of food eaten as days progress.

To represent the relationship between the number of days and the amount of food eaten by baby chickens, you can use a line graph.