What can help prevent issues related to downloading content from the internet?

A.Unplugging the CPU
B.Customizing the resolution settings
C.Rebooting the computer
D.Installing antivirus software
Is the answer c?

Multiple Choice

What are the first steps that you should take if you are unable to get onto the Internet?
(1 point)

Check your router connections then restart your router.
Check your router connections then restart your router.

Plug the CPU to a power source and reboot the computer.
Plug the CPU to a power source and reboot the computer.

Adjust the display properties and check the resolution.
Adjust the display properties and check the resolution.

Use the Control Panel to adjust the router settings.

No, the answer is not C. The option that can help prevent issues related to downloading content from the internet is D - Installing antivirus software.

When you download content from the internet, there is a risk of downloading malicious files or programs that can harm your computer. Installing antivirus software is an essential precautionary measure to protect your computer from viruses, malware, and other potentially harmful elements.

Antivirus software scans files as you download them, identifying any threats and ensuring that harmful content is not allowed to enter your computer. It provides real-time protection, proactively detecting and blocking any suspicious activities or files that may harm your system.

To prevent issues related to downloading content, it is strongly recommended to install a reliable antivirus software and keep it updated regularly. Additionally, it is essential to exercise caution while downloading files, only downloading from trusted sources, and avoiding suspicious websites or links.

I have a sneaking suspicion that they want antivirus software if they are downloading stuff.

Gwen I'm going with c