Other than familiarity, what is the advantage of the English System of measurement?

The only real reason to stick with it in the US is the cost of conversion:


The English system of measurement, also known as the Imperial system, does not have many advantages over other systems, particularly the metric system which is widely used around the world. However, there are a few arguments that some people make in favor of the English system:

1. Ease of Understanding: Some argue that the English system is more intuitive and easier to understand because its units are based on common objects and body parts. For example, an inch is roughly the width of an adult thumb, and a foot is roughly the length of an adult foot. This familiarity can make it easier for people to visualize and estimate measurements.

2. Familiarity: As you mentioned, one advantage of the English system is that it is still widely used in certain countries, such as the United States. Many people are familiar with this system, as they grew up learning and using it in their daily lives. This familiarity can be advantageous in certain industries or professions where conversions are not frequently required.

However, it's worth noting that the metric system has several advantages over the English system. The metric system is based on decimal multiples, making conversions between units much simpler and more consistent. It is also the standard system used in science, engineering, and international trade, which allows for easy communication and standardization across different countries and cultures.