what are some physical changes?

tearing paper, pouring water from one container to another, breaking a stick. This are physical changes because the starting product and the ending product are the same.


Physical changes are changes that alter the physical properties of a substance, such as its shape, size, or state, but do not change its chemical composition. Here are a few more examples of physical changes:

- Melting an ice cube: The ice cube changes from a solid to a liquid state without any change in its chemical composition.
- Cutting an apple: Slicing or chopping an apple into smaller pieces changes its shape and size, but it's still the same apple.
- Boiling water: Heating water causes it to change from a liquid to a gas (water vapor), but its chemical composition remains the same.

To identify physical changes, you can observe whether the starting and ending materials are different from each other chemically. In physical changes, they should remain the same substance, just altered in some way physically.