shelley spent 17 min washing the dishes. she spent 38 min cleaning her room. explain how you can use mental math to find how long shelley spent on the two tasks?

Do this problem the same way I showed you for your last problem.

as I said down below

17 - 2 + 2 + 38

= 15 + 40

Olivia, Summer -- or whoever -- please use the same name for your posts.

Shelley spent 17 minutes washing the dishes. she spent 38 minutes cleaning her room. explain how you can use mental math to find how long Shelley spent on the two tasks.

Shelley spent 17minute washing the dishes . She spent 38 minutes cleaning her room . Explain how you canuse mental math to find how long shelley spent on the2task

It took Marty 42 minotes to write a book report . Then he spent 18 minutes correcting his report.explain how you can use mental math to find how Marty spent on his book report.

52+19 using mental math


To find out how long Shelley spent on the two tasks, we can use mental math. Here's how:

1. Start by adding the two time durations together:
17 minutes (washing dishes) + 38 minutes (cleaning her room)

2. First, add the minutes together:
7 minutes + 8 minutes = 15 minutes

3. Since we can only represent time in hours and minutes, we have to convert any minutes over 60 into hours. In this case, we have 15 minutes, which is less than 60, so we keep it as minutes.

4. Finally, combine the minutes and hours:
Shelley spent a total of 15 minutes on the two tasks.

Using mental math, we can determine that Shelley spent a total of 15 minutes on washing the dishes and cleaning her room.