shelley spent 17 min washing the dishes. she spent 38 min cleaning her room. explain how you can use mental math to find how long shelley spent on the two tasks?

I would add 15 to 40

can you can why? detailed please

can you explain why?

17 - 2 + 2 + 38

= 15 + 40

To find out how long Shelley spent on the two tasks using mental math, you can add the times together.

First, add the minutes spent on washing the dishes (17 minutes) and cleaning her room (38 minutes):

17 + 38 = 55

Shelley spent a total of 55 minutes on the two tasks.

By mentally adding the two numbers, you can quickly find the total time spent without using a calculator or any other external aid. This method is called mental math, where you perform calculations in your mind using basic math facts and number sense. It can be a handy skill for quick calculations and estimations.