1. It is colorless.

2. Much care is needed for the plants.

3. Watch them grow.

4. Come visit our greenhouse.

Are all these sentences complete sentences?

Yes. The first two are statements. The second two are commands.

To determine if these sentences are complete sentences, we need to check if each sentence conforms to the basic structure of a complete sentence, which typically includes a subject and a predicate.

1. "It is colorless." - This sentence is a complete sentence. It has a subject ("it") and a predicate ("is colorless").

2. "Much care is needed for the plants." - This sentence is also a complete sentence. It has a subject ("much care") and a predicate ("is needed for the plants").

3. "Watch them grow." - This sentence is a complete sentence. It has an implied subject ("you" or "we") and a predicate ("watch them grow").

4. "Come visit our greenhouse." - This sentence is a complete sentence. It has an implied subject ("you" or "everyone") and a predicate ("come visit our greenhouse").

In conclusion, all of these sentences are complete sentences as they have a clear subject and predicate.