Robinson describes magnanimity and integrity as both primarily concerned with what? (Points : 1)



Robinson argue that honor is what

To find the answer to this question, we need to refer to the work of Robinson. Since there is no specific information given about which work of Robinson is being referred to, we can assume that the question is likely related to the ideas or themes discussed by Robinson in his writings.

To find out what Robinson describes magnanimity and integrity as primarily concerned with, we would need to read Robinson's work. This could include his books, essays, articles, or any other written material authored by him.

One way to access Robinson's work is by conducting a search on the internet using relevant keywords such as "Robinson magnanimity and integrity." This should provide a list of resources where Robinson's ideas on these virtues are discussed.

Another option is to visit a library or a bookstore and look for books or articles written by Robinson. Here, you can browse through the sections or indexes related to topics such as virtues, ethics, or moral philosophy.

Once you have found the relevant section or resource, you can read about Robinson's ideas on magnanimity and integrity. From there, you will be able to identify what he describes these virtues as primarily concerned with.

It is important to note that different authors may have different interpretations or perspectives on the concepts of magnanimity and integrity. Therefore, it is crucial to refer to Robinson's specific writings to get a clear understanding of his views on this matter.