Using only one cut, how would you divide 7 pieces of licorice among 5 people so that each person gets the exact same amount of licorice without bending the licorice

To divide 7 pieces of licorice among 5 people using only one cut, you can follow these steps:

1. Line up the 7 pieces of licorice in a row.
2. Make a single cut across all 7 pieces of licorice at the same time, dividing them into two groups.
3. Count the number of pieces in each group. Let's say you have Group A with X pieces and Group B with Y pieces.
4. Adjust the number of pieces in each group by making small adjustments to the cut until you have an equal number of pieces in both groups (X = Y).
5. Now distribute the licorice pieces among the 5 people as follows:
- Each person will receive X pieces from Group A.
- Each person will receive Y-X pieces from Group B.

By following these steps, each person will receive the exact same number of licorice pieces without bending the licorice. Note that you may need to make small adjustments to the cut line to ensure an equal number of pieces in each group.