Insidious literally translates to "sitting in," but the word means "secretly working to cause harm." Explain the possible connection between the actual and literal definitions of insidious.

The word "insidious" carries two different meanings: its literal definition and its broader meaning in everyday usage.

On a literal level, "insidious" is derived from the Latin word "insidere," which can be broken down into "in" (meaning "in" or "within") and "sidere" (meaning "to sit"). Thus, the term can be translated as "sitting in," suggesting a sense of being inside or hiding within something.

When we consider the broader meaning of "insidious," which is "secretly working to cause harm," we can trace a connection between this definition and its literal translation. The idea of "sitting in" reflects an aspect of hiddenness or concealment, just as something insidious often operates subtly or covertly, under the radar, without being easily noticed or detected.

In this sense, the literal translation of "insidious" as "sitting in" can be seen as metaphorically representing the way harmful things or influences may be concealed or disguised within a seemingly benign or innocuous situation. The word highlights the idea that something harmful might be lurking beneath the surface, gradually advancing and causing damage without people realizing it.

The connection between the actual and literal definitions of "insidious" can be understood by breaking down the word and examining its origins.

The term "insidious" is derived from the Latin word "insidiosus," which is a combination of "in" (meaning "in" or "into") and "sedeo" (meaning "to sit"). Therefore, at a literal level, "insidious" can be translated to "sitting in" or "lying in wait."

When we consider the figurative meaning of "insidious," it refers to something that is characterized by hidden or subtle actions intended to deceive, harm, or undermine. This can be seen by the way the term is used to describe actions, situations, or individuals that work secretly or subtly towards causing harm or damage.

So, the connection between the literal and actual definitions of "insidious" lies in the notion of something or someone "sitting in" or "lying in wait" in a secretive and deceptive manner, whether it be a hidden threat, a deceitful plan, or a harmful influence. This connection allows us to understand how the literal translation of the term "insidious" aligns with its figurative meaning.

Think of spies.