Write an essay on "Do You Agree with Capital Punishment?

This essay should have 5 paragraphs.

In the 1st paragraph it must contain:
Attention-grabbing beginning.
Description of issue.
Opinion Statement.

In the 2,3, 4 paragraph should contain:
Different reasons for each paragraph.
Evidence to support.

In the 5th Paragraph it should be the conclusion and must contain:
Restate your opinion.
Summarize 3 reasons.
Call to action or closing statement.

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Just give me a rough draft Ms. Sue which as long as a printer paper(front and back).


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Why are you using two different names in the same thread?

This is not an homework

I am also not giving any thread

I was confused that how to help my niece. So i was just asking u as she asked me Mr. Sue


Raj Patel tried this earlier, but apparently didn't want to understand what I wrote.

Title: The Controversial Debate: Do You Agree with Capital Punishment?


Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, has been a topic of heated debate for decades. The act of taking another person's life as a form of punishment raises profound moral and ethical questions. This essay aims to explore both sides of the argument surrounding capital punishment and ultimately present a personal opinion on the matter.


Paragraph 1: The Dilemma and Personal Stance

Capital punishment stands as a delicate issue that has polarized societies worldwide. With its irreversible consequences, it begs the question: should society possess the power to determine if an individual's life should be taken as an act of punishment? As time has passed, my personal opinion has evolved, and while I have reservations, I agree with the use of capital punishment in certain circumstances. The reasons for this viewpoint will be further expounded upon in the following paragraphs.

Paragraph 2: Deterrence and Public Safety

One compelling argument in favor of capital punishment is its potential as a deterrent against heinous crimes. Supporters argue that the prospect of facing the ultimate punishment would deter potential offenders from committing acts of extreme violence. Citing statistics from countries that practice capital punishment, such as the United States, proponents argue that the fear of losing one's life can deter individuals who might otherwise disregard the value of human life.

Paragraph 3: Retribution and Justice

Another justification for capital punishment lies in the concept of retribution. Victims and their families may feel a profound sense of injustice when a crime results in the loss of life. Capital punishment serves as a means for society to deliver a sense of closure and retribution to those affected by the most severe crimes. Critics argue that this form of retribution does not truly address the pain and suffering endured by victims, but proponents believe that it provides a fundamental sense of justice.

Paragraph 4: Economic Efficiency and Resource Allocation

From an economic perspective, supporters of capital punishment advocate that it can be more cost-effective than imprisoning individuals for life. The expenses associated with maintaining a life sentence, including housing, healthcare, and food, can be substantial. In cases where guilt has been proven beyond reasonable doubt, capital punishment can provide a means to allocate resources and prioritize societal needs more effectively.


To reiterate, while acknowledging the complex moral and ethical issues surrounding capital punishment, I find myself in agreement with its application in specific circumstances. Deterrence, retribution, and economic considerations serve as my three primary reasons for supporting capital punishment. However, it is essential to ensure that the justice system operates with integrity, fairness, and adherence to due process. We must strive to balance the need for justice and public safety with compassion and respect for fundamental human rights.

In conclusion, the topic of capital punishment will undoubtedly continue to generate compelling arguments and provoke intense discussions. As a society, we ought to engage in these debates with an open mind, considering diverse perspectives and striving to find alternatives that uphold justice, morality, and the value of human life. Let us work together to ensure that our legal systems reflect both our commitment to public safety and our respect for the principles of fairness and humanity.