Can anyone explain what Filipinization of Government is about? Like, whats with the events or main events. And summary of it. Thanks.

When the US defeated the Spanish in the Spanish American War, the Philipines ceased to be a Spanish colony and came under the US. The US made an effort to let the indigenous people take over ruling their islands replacing the Spanish colonial officials.

The Filipinization of Government refers to a historical process that took place in the Philippines during the early 20th century. It was a movement aimed at empowering Filipinos and giving them a greater role in governing their own country, which had previously been under colonial rule.

Here's a summary of the main events and objectives of the Filipinization of Government:

1. American Occupation: After the United States won the Spanish-American War in 1898, the Philippines came under American colonial rule. Initially, there were hopes for Filipino self-rule, but the American government retained control over key positions in the government.

2. Philippine Commission and Philippine Assembly: In 1900, the U.S. established the Philippine Commission, composed mainly of American officials, to govern the Philippines. However, pressure from Filipino nationalists led to the creation of the Philippine Assembly in 1907, which gave the Filipinos some participation in the legislative process.

3. Jones Law and Autonomy: In 1916, the U.S. Congress passed the Jones Law, which promised eventual independence for the Philippines. It also provided for further Filipino representation in government, including the creation of the Senate.

4. Tydings-McDuffie Act and Commonwealth Era: In 1934, the U.S. passed the Tydings-McDuffie Act, setting a timeframe for Philippine independence. It also established a 10-year transitional period known as the Commonwealth Era, during which the Philippines would have more autonomy in governing itself.

5. Filipino Leadership: Throughout this period, Filipinos increasingly held significant positions in the government, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Notable Filipino leaders, such as Manuel L. Quezon, Sergio Osmeña, and José P. Laurel, played key roles in shaping the country's path towards independence.

Overall, the Filipinization of Government was a gradual process that aimed to give Filipinos greater control over their own affairs and move towards independence from American colonial rule. It involved the establishment of representative bodies, the gradual inclusion of Filipinos in key government positions, and the promise of eventual self-rule. The movement set the stage for the Philippines' transition to becoming a sovereign nation in 1946.