If a milk cow in California produced a mean of 1,875 pounds of milk per month, what percentage of production would that cow be in compared to the overall production per milk cow in California from 1990 through 2005?

better check your dairy almanac for stuff like this.

To calculate the percentage of production of a milk cow in California compared to the overall production per milk cow in California from 1990 through 2005, we need two pieces of information: the production of the specific cow and the overall production during that time period.

Unfortunately, you have only provided the mean (average) production of the specific cow. To proceed, we need to make some assumptions. Let's assume the mean is the actual production for that cow.

To determine the overall production per milk cow in California from 1990 through 2005, we need the total production during that time period and the number of milk cows in California over the same period. Without this information, we cannot calculate the exact percentage.

However, I can show you the general steps to calculate the percentage if we had the necessary data:

1. Determine the total production of milk in California from 1990 through 2005.
2. Determine the number of milk cows in California over the same period.
3. Calculate the average production per milk cow by dividing the total production by the number of milk cows.

If you can provide the required data, I can help you calculate the percentage.