when working with numbers (negative and positive)inside absolute value bars are they considered positive and bars removed?

Do all calculations inside the bars following the usual rules of arithmetic.

If your answer is positive, make that your answer.
If your answer is negative, ignore the negative sign, and state the positive result.

That is | anything in here | will always produce a positive (or zero) result.

as it applies to your previous problem

|30|/|10| + |-2+7|/5 x 8
= 30/10 3 + |5|/5x8
= 3 + 5/5*8
= 3 + 1*8
= 3+8
= 11

the second line of the solution should say :

= 30/10 + |5|/5x8

has no effect on the rest


new problem |-32|/8 - |9x2| + |4| =
32/8 - 18 + 4 = -10

am I on the right track


Looks like you got it

When working with numbers inside absolute value bars, you need to understand that the bars indicate the concept of magnitude or distance from zero, rather than sign (+ or -). The absolute value function turns any number (positive or negative) into a positive number by removing the negative sign if present.

To determine the absolute value of a number, you can follow these steps:
1. If the number is positive (greater than zero), then the absolute value is equal to the number itself. In this case, you can remove the bars without affecting the value. For example, |3|=3.
2. If the number is negative (less than zero), then the absolute value is equal to the opposite of the number. In this case, you should remove the bars and also switch the sign. For example, |-5|=5.
3. In both cases, after removing the absolute value bars, the resulting value will always be positive.

In summary, when you see a number or an expression inside absolute value bars, you can consider it as positive, and you should remove the bars to find the absolute value.