The cost of a telephone call is $0.75 + $0.25 times the number of minutes. Write an algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes.

See the Related Questions below.

I also have the same question and i think the asnswer is $0.75 + 0.25 * t ??? Is it correct? please help me understand this!

It is correct.

To write an algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes, we need to use the given information: the cost starts at $0.75 and increases by $0.25 for every minute.

Let's break down the expression step by step:
1. The cost starts at $0.75, so we include this as a constant term: $0.75
2. For each minute, the cost increases by $0.25. Since the number of minutes is t, we multiply the cost increase ($0.25) by the number of minutes (t): $0.25t

Putting it together, the algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes is:

$0.75 + $0.25t