a person sol 100 shares of stock at a profit of 15%. if the selling price for the 100 shares was 2300. what was paid for the stock?

15% of 2300 is = 345

345 is the profit you gained

2300 is the selling price of the stock

2300(selling price) - 345(profit) = 1955

the paid for the stock is 1955

To determine the price paid for the stock, we can use the formula:

Selling Price = Buying Price + Profit

In this case, the selling price is $2300 and the profit is 15% of the buying price. Let's calculate the profit first:

Profit = 15% * Buying Price

To calculate 15% of the Buying Price, we can multiply the Buying Price by 0.15:

Profit = 0.15 * Buying Price

Now we can substitute the values we know into the formula:

$2300 = Buying Price + 0.15 * Buying Price

Simplifying the equation:

$2300 = 1.15 * Buying Price

To isolate the Buying Price, we divide both sides of the equation by 1.15:

Buying Price = $2300 / 1.15


Buying Price = $2000

Therefore, the person paid $2000 for the stock.