Q1. Write a menu driven program for checkout lines in a supermarket, Using

Queue data structure and Queue Simulation concepts. Create varied lines of
servers depending on the user input initially. Display the queue of each
server along with the customers in the queue. You can simulate addition of
a customer in a queue using a special key press.
You can either randomly assign customer to a queue or determine a method by
which customers decide which queue to join. The servers are supposed to
take random amounts of time to process each customer (depending upon the
amount of groceries a customer may have). Once checked out a customer is
removed from the line.
For simplicity, simulate the passing of time by pressing another special

Sir,i need only algorithm ,so that i can start..

Sure, I can provide you with an algorithm to get started. Here's a step-by-step algorithm to implement a menu-driven program for checkout lines using a queue data structure and queue simulation concepts:

1. Initialize the program by creating an empty queue for each server line.
2. Prompt the user to enter the number of server lines desired.
3. Create the specified number of queues for the server lines.
4. Display the menu with options for the user.
5. Wait for the user to input their choice.
6. If the user chooses to add a customer to a queue (using a special key press):
a. Prompt the user to enter the number of groceries the customer has.
b. Randomly select a server line to add the customer to (or use a user-defined method to determine the queue to join).
c. Enqueue the customer onto the selected server line's queue along with their number of groceries.
d. Display the updated queue for the selected server line.
7. If the user chooses to simulate the passing of time (using another special key):
a. Randomly select a server line to process a customer (with varying time based on the number of groceries).
b. Dequeue the customer from the selected server line's queue.
c. Display a message indicating that the customer has been checked out and removed.
d. Display the updated queue for the selected server line.
8. If the user chooses to exit the program, terminate the program.

You can use this algorithm as a starting point to implement your menu-driven program for checkout lines in a supermarket using a queue data structure. Remember to provide appropriate error checking and input validation throughout the program to ensure its proper functioning.