Simplify the expression (7+5) + 4 * 13 - 2

My answer is
12 +4 * 13 -2
16 * 13 -2
16 * 11

I disagree.


12 + 52 - 2 = 62

I see where I made my mistake. Thank you


You're welcome.

To simplify the expression (7+5) + 4 * 13 - 2, follow the order of operations, which is commonly remembered as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

Step 1: Simplify within the parentheses.
(7+5) + 4 * 13 - 2 becomes 12 + 4 * 13 - 2

Step 2: Perform any multiplication or division from left to right.
12 + 4 * 13 - 2 becomes 12 + 52 - 2

Step 3: Perform any addition or subtraction from left to right.
12 + 52 - 2 becomes 64 - 2

Step 4: Perform the final subtraction operation.
64 - 2 equals 62

Therefore, the simplified expression is 62.