Tommy has taken a job in which he earns $1 on the first day of the month, $2 on the second day, $3 on the third, and so on. How much money will he earn in the month of October?

what is 1+2+3+...+31

total pay=average pay*number days=31/2 * 31

total pay=31^2/2

check my thinking

You can do it the hard way with

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+.........31 = ?


average is (1+3)/2 = 2
2*3 = 6 check :)

so I think it is
(1+31)/2 = 16
16*31 = 496

To find out how much money Tommy will earn in the month of October, you need to know how many days are in October and then calculate his earnings for each day.

Let's Determine the number of days in October:
October has a total of 31 days.

Next, calculate Tommy's earnings for each day:
On the first day (October 1st), Tommy earns $1.
On the second day (October 2nd), Tommy earns $2.
On the third day (October 3rd), Tommy earns $3.
And so on, until the 31st day.

Using this information, we can calculate Tommy's total earnings for the month of October by adding up his earnings for each day.

Total earnings = $1 + $2 + $3 + ... + $31

To calculate this sum, you can use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series:

Sum = (n/2) * (first term + last term)

In this case:
- n is the number of terms (31), as there are 31 days in October.
- The first term is $1, and the last term is $31.

Plugging these values into the formula:

Sum = (31/2) * ($1 + $31)
= 15.5 * $32
= $496

Therefore, Tommy will earn a total of $496 in the month of October.