9. The politicians who met at the Hartford Convention in 1814

A. recommended changes in the Constitution.
B. were mainly concerned with increasing trade with Britain.
C. favored secession from the Union.
D. represented the interests of the cotton-growing states.

Student Answer: D

Answer: Incorrect

10. During Jefferson's presidency, cities were

A. mostly found along the Mississippi.
B. mainly ports for international trade.
C. mostly the haunts of thieves and degenerates.
D. mainly industrial centers.

Student Answer: C

Answer: Incorrect

12. Under America's second party system, the Whigs stood for

A. a "liberally negligent" state.
B. policies that directly supported commercial enterprises.
C. policies that kept government hands off business and industry.
D. a "negative liberal state."

Student Answer: A

Answer: Incorrect

13. In the Old South, the majority of slaves

A. lived on plantations with 100 or more slaves.
B. worked under a task system.
C. lived on small farms.
D. lived on plantations with 20 or more slaves.

Student Answer: A

Answer: Incorrect

15. Which of the following utopian communities was founded and established in New York State?

A. Oneida
B. New Harmony
C. Shaker Village
D. Spiritualist

Student Answer: B

Answer: Incorrect

16. Who successfully negotiated the final terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

A. John Slidell
B. James Polk
C. Zachary Taylor
D. Nicolas Trist

Student Answer: B

Answer: Incorrect

17. The main impact of the invention of the cotton gin in 1793 was on

A. the ability to process short-staple cotton.
B. cotton production in the Upper South.
C. the cost of cotton goods.
D. the ability to process long-staple cotton.

Student Answer: B

Answer: Incorrect

18. Under the leadership of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the high point of the Seneca Falls convention was the drafting of the Declaration of

A. Sentiments.
B. Human Rights.
C. Women's Rights.
D. Opinion.

Student Answer: C

Answer: Incorrect

19. Thomas Jefferson was concerned that the treaty formalizing the Louisiana Purchase

A. was clearly illegal.
B. would place an unfair tax burden on American citizens.
C. might be unconstitutional.
D. would invite French hostility.

Student Answer: B

Answer: Incorrect

20. In what state did the Nat Turner slave revolt of 1831 take place?

A. Virginia
B. South Carolina
C. Alabama
D. Georgia

Student Answer: C

Answer: Incorrect

please help get these correct I've looked in the book more once and I'm having trouble

Try google. I found the first three easily.

You should learn how to use www.google.com or www.bing.com efficiently.

1. Go to http://www.google.com or http://www.bing.com

2. Type in hartford convention 1814 (or whatever search terms you need). Press Enter.

3. Read different search results until you find what you need.

4. Re-search with different search terms if you don't find all you need.


B. mainly ports for international trade. (Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Charleston, the ports in Va and MD .......

Hey, Google this stuff !

9. The correct answer is A. Recommended changes in the Constitution.

To find the answer, you can search for information about the Hartford Convention in 1814. The Hartford Convention was a meeting of Federalist politicians during the War of 1812. They discussed a number of issues, including proposed amendments to the Constitution. This information can typically be found in history textbooks, online resources, or primary source documents related to the Hartford Convention.

10. The correct answer is B. Mainly ports for international trade.

To find the answer, you can research the role of cities during Jefferson's presidency. Focus on the economic activities and the significance of cities during that time. Generally, cities during this period were important ports for international trade due to the growth of commerce and maritime activities. This information can typically be found in history textbooks, articles, or online resources that cover the economic and social history of Jefferson's presidency.

12. The correct answer is C. Policies that kept government hands off business and industry.

To find the answer, you can research the political ideology and platform of the Whig Party during America's second party system. The Whigs advocated for a limited role of government in business and industry, favoring free-market principles. This information can usually be found in history textbooks or online resources that cover the history of political parties and their platforms during that time.

13. The correct answer is B. Worked under a task system.

To find the answer, you can research the labor system and conditions of slaves in the Old South. The task system was a common labor system where slaves were assigned specific tasks or jobs to complete. This information can be found in books, articles, or online resources that discuss the history of slavery, plantation economy, and labor systems in the Old South.

15. The correct answer is A. Oneida.

To find the answer, you can research the different utopian communities and their locations. The Oneida Community was indeed founded and established in New York State. This information can be found in books, articles, or online resources that cover the history of utopian communities in the United States.

16. The correct answer is D. Nicolas Trist.

To find the answer, you can research the individuals involved in negotiating the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Nicolas Trist was the chief negotiator for the United States and successfully reached the final terms of the treaty. This information can be found in history textbooks, articles, or online resources that cover the Mexican-American War and the subsequent treaty negotiations.

17. The correct answer is A. The ability to process short-staple cotton.

To find the answer, you can research the impact of the invention of the cotton gin. The cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry by dramatically increasing the efficiency of processing short-staple cotton, making it more profitable to produce. This information can be found in history textbooks, articles, or online resources that cover the history of the cotton industry and technological advancements.

18. The correct answer is A. Sentiments.

To find the answer, you can research the Seneca Falls Convention and the key documents produced during that event. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton played important roles in organizing the convention, and the attendees drafted the Declaration of Sentiments, which outlined the women's rights agenda. This information can be found in history textbooks, articles, or online resources that focus on the history of women's suffrage and the Seneca Falls Convention.

19. The correct answer is C. Might be unconstitutional.

To find the answer, you can research Thomas Jefferson's concerns about the treaty formalizing the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson was initially unsure about the constitutionality of the purchase since the power to acquire new territory was not explicitly granted to the federal government in the Constitution. This information can be found in history textbooks, articles, or online resources that cover the Louisiana Purchase and Jefferson's presidency.

20. The correct answer is A. Virginia.

To find the answer, you can research the location where the Nat Turner slave revolt took place. The Nat Turner slave revolt occurred in Virginia in 1831. This information can be found in history textbooks, articles, or online resources that cover the history of slavery and slave revolts in the United States.