Between 1857 and 1903, the United States acquired many new territorial possessions around the globe.

Why do you think so many of these new possessions were islands located in the Pacific Ocean?

So that they could stop their ships there and refuel them. Also, most of the other areas were already controlled by other countries.

I agree the second sentence. First is not a good reason. I would add during that time, the US was looking outward to "discover" the world and its riches...the Pacific was really the only direction to go.

Ok so i should take out the part about the ships ?

The acquisition of many new territorial possessions in the Pacific Ocean between 1857 and 1903 can be attributed to a combination of strategic, economic, and political factors. Here's a breakdown of the reasons behind this:

1. Strategic Importance: Islands in the Pacific Ocean provided strategic advantages for the United States, particularly in terms of naval power projection. These islands served as strategic bases for the U.S. Navy to station their ships, refuel, restock supplies, and conduct operations across the Pacific. Essentially, controlling these islands allowed the United States to extend its military reach and maintain a stronger presence in the region.

2. Trade and Economic Interests: Many of these acquired possessions had economic potential due to their strategic locations for trade and commerce. As the United States expanded its interests in the Pacific, these islands offered opportunities for new trade routes, access to valuable resources, and markets for American goods. This expansion aimed to secure economic interests, ensure access to vital resources, and promote American trade and commerce in the region.

3. Limited Availability of Territories: By the late 19th century, many land territories around the world were already claimed or controlled by rival nations. The United States, being a relatively young nation, sought to establish its own sphere of influence and secure territories that were still unclaimed, underutilized, or strategically valuable. Islands in the Pacific Ocean provided opportunities for the United States to expand its influence without directly engaging in conflicts with other major powers.

4. Manifest Destiny and Global Power Status: The concept of Manifest Destiny, which fueled American westward expansion throughout the 19th century, extended to overseas territories. The acquisition of new Pacific possessions was seen as a way for the United States to assert its global power status and fulfill its destiny as a major world power. It was a representation of American imperialism and the desire to expand its sphere of influence globally.

In summary, the United States acquired many new possessions in the Pacific Ocean between 1857 and 1903 due to the strategic advantages they offered, the economic potential they held, the limited availability of other territories, and the broader motivations of Manifest Destiny and global power projection.