15. Scott knows that the area of the center circle of the basketball court in the school gym is 110 square feet. He wants to find the radius of the center circle of the basketball court in the school gym. He determines that the square of the radius is 34 feet. What is the BEST estimate of the radius?


This is YOUR review for a test. What is YOUR answer? Think, man, think!

You know that

5^2 = 25
6^2 = 36

34 is less than 36. Now what do you think?

To find the radius of the center circle, we need to take the square root of the given square of the radius.

The square root of 34 feet is approximately 5.83.

Since we need to choose the BEST estimate from the given options, the answer would be 5.8, which is closest to 5.83.

Therefore, the BEST estimate of the radius is A.5.8.