The cost of a telephone call is $0.75 + $0.25 ties the number of minutes. Write an algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes.

You try first.


To write an algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes, we can use the given information:

The cost of a telephone call is $0.75 + $0.25 times the number of minutes.

Let's break it down:

Cost of a telephone call = 0.75 + 0.25t

Therefore, the algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes is 0.75 + 0.25t.

To write an algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes, we need to consider that there is an initial cost of $0.75 and an additional cost of $0.25 per minute.

The expression would be:
Cost = $0.75 + ($0.25 × t)

To get the total cost of a telephone call:
- We start with the initial cost of $0.75.
- Then, we multiply the number of minutes (t) by the additional cost per minute, which is $0.25. This gives us ($0.25 × t).
- Finally, we add the initial cost and the cost per minute to get the total cost of the telephone call.

Therefore, the algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes is:
Cost = $0.75 + ($0.25 × t)