In one year what percent of your time is spent in school?

Year=365 days
School year=180 days

I know that the answer is a little bit over 50%, but I am not too sure about the exact answer.

If you're just counting days and not hours >>

180/365 = 0.493 = 49.3%

It's just under 50%.

Thanks a lot Ms.Sue! You are great! :)

You're welcome. :-)

To find out the percentage of time spent in school in one year, you can use the following formula:

Percentage of time in school = (Number of school days / Number of total days) * 100

In this case, the Number of school days is 180, and the Number of total days is 365. Therefore:

Percentage of time in school = (180 / 365) * 100

Now let's calculate it:

Percentage of time in school = 0.493 * 100 = 49.3%

So, approximately 49.3% of your time is spent in school in one year.