Correct the following sentences for subjective-verb agreement,tenses and fragments. 1My car it is very beutiful 2When he thought he could afford to pay his own school fees 3this students keep makin noise 4when I was young,use to love playin with dolls 5im don't like horror movies

I'll do the first one for you.

My car is beautiful.

Now, you try the others, and someone will check them for you.

1) Incorrect: "My car it is very beutiful."

Correction: "My car is very beautiful."

Explanation: To correct the sentence, remove the unnecessary pronoun "it" after "car" and correct the spelling of "beautiful."

2) Incorrect: "When he thought he could afford to pay his own school fees."
Correction: "When he thought he could afford to pay his own school fees."

Explanation: The sentence is grammatically correct and does not require any changes.

3) Incorrect: "this students keep makin noise."
Correction: "These students keep making noise."

Explanation: Change "this" to "these" to indicate that there is more than one student. Also, change "makin" to "making" to use the correct verb form.

4) Incorrect: "when I was young, use to love playin with dolls."
Correction: "When I was young, I used to love playing with dolls."

Explanation: Add "I" before "used" to match the subject of the sentence. Change "use" to "used" to reflect past tense. Change "playin" to "playing" to use the correct verb form.

5) Incorrect: "im don't like horror movies."
Correction: "I don't like horror movies."

Explanation: Capitalize "I" at the beginning of the sentence. Remove the unnecessary contraction "im" and replace it with "I." Also, add the auxiliary verb "do" before "don't" to make the negative statement.