2^5/2 - 2^3/2

2 sqrt 2


Ms Sue and google calculator are correct.

To evaluate the expression 2^5/2 - 2^3/2, we first need to calculate the values of 2^5/2 and 2^3/2 separately and then subtract them.

To calculate 2^5/2, we can break it down into two steps.

Step 1: Calculate the numerator 2^5.
2^5 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 32

Step 2: Calculate the denominator 2^(1/2).
To calculate 2^(1/2), we need to find the square root of 2. The square root of 2 is approximately 1.414.

So, 2^5/2 = 32/1.414 = 22.6 (approximately).

Next, let's calculate 2^3/2.

Step 1: Calculate the numerator 2^3.
2^3 = 2 * 2 * 2 = 8

Step 2: Calculate the denominator 2^(1/2).
Again, 2^(1/2) is equal to the square root of 2, which is approximately 1.414.

So, 2^3/2 = 8/1.414 = 5.7 (approximately).

Finally, we can subtract 2^3/2 from 2^5/2:
2^5/2 − 2^3/2 = 22.6 - 5.7 = 16.9 (approximately).

Therefore, the value of the expression 2^5/2 - 2^3/2 is 16.9 (approximately).