Cole and Efram are neighbors. Cole is 25 years old and, while they are not the same age, Efram's age contains the same 2 digits. The next time that will happen is in ____ years.

Efram is 52 years old.

The next time this will happen is when Efram is 63 years old.

You mean 36?

Nevermind, I got it wrong. 63 is wrong.

Read the question again.

If Efram is 63

that is 63 - 52 = 11 years later

then Cole is 11 + 25 = 36

so it is indeed in 11 years
but 11 not 63, is the answer

To find out when the next time will be that Efram's age contains the same 2 digits, we can break down the information given:

1. Cole is currently 25 years old.
2. Efram's age contains the same 2 digits, but is not the same age as Cole.

To determine the next time this will occur, we need to look for a two-digit number that is not equal to 25 and contains the same digits as 25.

Let's start by listing down all the two-digit numbers and check if any of them has the same digits as 25:

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, ...

By checking each number, we can see that the next time the number will contain the same digits as 25 is when Efram turns 52 years old.

Therefore, the answer is: the next time that will happen is in 27 years (52 - 25 = 27).