Ken started the day with some money in is pocket. After he took some money out of his bank account, he had $4 more than twice the amount he started with. He then received a birthday present which doubled the amount of money he had with him. Ken now had $100 in his pocket. How much did he start the day with?

I need to know how to do this.

x in the pocket to start

then 4 + 2 x

then 2 (4 + 2 x ) = 100

8 + 4 x = 100

4 x = 92

x = 23

Can I ask you one more confusing question?

sure but put it as a new question because we do not always look back

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Representation
Let's assume that the amount of money Ken started the day with is 'x' dollars.

Step 2: After taking money from the bank
The problem states that after taking some money out of his bank account, Ken had $4 more than twice the amount he started with. So, after taking money out, Ken had 2x + 4 dollars.

Step 3: Birthday present
The problem also mentions that Ken received a birthday present that doubled the amount of money he had with him. So, after receiving the gift, Ken had 2 * (2x + 4) = 4x + 8 dollars.

Step 4: Final amount
According to the problem, Ken now has $100 in his pocket. So, we can set up an equation:
4x + 8 = 100

Step 5: Solve the equation
Now we can solve the equation for x:
4x = 100 - 8
4x = 92
x = 92 / 4
x = 23

Therefore, Ken started the day with $23.

To summarize:
1. Let x represent the amount Ken started with.
2. After taking money from the bank, Ken had 2x + 4 dollars.
3. After receiving the gift, Ken had 4x + 8 dollars.
4. Set up the equation 4x + 8 = 100.
5. Solve the equation for x to find that Ken started with $23.